Q: “Uh… you know you spelled Serendipity wrong, don’t you?”


Well of course do! When starting my business I wanted to unapologetically be myself. I thought including my actual name in my business was a good place to start. Plus, I’m a sucker for a good pun or alliteration. Who knew my business name would spark so much curiosity? I love it!

If you’re kind, a bit quirky and also passionate about the work that you do then you can already consider us friends. (Kind people are my kinda people, as they say!) I can’t wait to help you and your beautiful, booming business.


Creating stellar content is the name of my game.  I'll help you with marketing materials, website pages, ads and more to hook your audience and grow your community. 

I'll be the sidekick you never knew you needed. By expanding your team, you'll have more time to crush your business goals. Focus on what you love and I'll take care of the rest.

Have a vision but don't know how to execute it? Secure a passionate creative team that will run with your ideas and leverage them to their full potential.


I'll do all of the above and then some. Ready to see what Sarahendipity Solutions can provide for you?